class not much, but assignments pilled up like hell.
spent two whole days to search for sources for my individual report..saved insde pendrive coz i've used lab computers. [ i forgotten to bring my laptop adapter to uni. so i nid to use bloody comp labs computers.] Lab COMPUTERS all have
my pendrive got contaminated, i put into my maccie..and guess what? maccie got sick. part of the pendrive. unecessary folders multiply...important folders when i click, it play hide n seek with me. i was in the library, was lauging so loud people were staring. i was so damn frusfrated. luckly Danial was there, he took my pendrive, stuck it on his laptop and determined to help me clear away the virus using his so happy..thank god for him... =)
i think i should buy sum protection for my maccie. although i like the new maccie [jon helge, watch out! im goin to kidnap ur new maccie... LOL =P ], this maccie will always be my 1st ever maccie. =)
in short, my datas were recovered and i am able to do my asignments again. =) thank God.
last sunday, i went for this 101 mall basketball street challenge, and my team mates consists of Shi Wei and Mabel Tan. Mabel's studying Master's in finance in NOtts..she's a fren of Pat. i learned alot during the competition. and i enjoyed the game. =)
although we manage to get 4th place, im happy..=)
Christmas is near, and CF notts is having stressful, so many things to brainstorm, so many things to settle..
need to find people to help me on props and hall decorations. (WEN SHAN, JOSEPH, SHI WEI, ALICE, MAGGIE)
and i need to find the actors and all...argh...plots...argh...ideas..ideas...draining all my brain...
not to mention there are so many meetings to attend, from basketball club to christian fellowship to Raleigh INternational..
my assignments are pilling up..sigh..all due on the month of sept.
ENB individual report. ( SOurces all available, ready to type) IMPORTANT!
ENB group project. ( design using google sketch) NOT-SO IN THE MOMENT..
CIB group project. ( exibition hall design have to finalise, interior have to design, website wallpapers and links finish searching, type the extra ideas) IMPORTANT..
SO essay . ( waaaaa....READ READ READ!!!!, find people that critise the theory) HIGH IMPORTANCE!
INdividual status?
3 hrs sleep...fainting.
MABEL KUAN PEI WERN!..ganbatte!!!! tomorrow got maths test...every thursday...argh....>_<