Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Clues =)

Mabel tips on making a gurl feel special on Valentine's day.

1. Love letters in Books?
get the book that she is currently reading, highlight the words that you want her to read. instead of writing a love letter, highlight the words that u want to use to write ur 'letter'.

for innovation, you could even use electronic reading journals that she suppose to read for assignments? LOL..

or just buy her a book from her favourite author, then highlight the words for ur 'letter' then giftwrap it. =)

14 Stalks of Roses
give her one stalk of long stem roses from the 1st day of feb till on the special day..give her a bouquet of roses.

3. Jigsaw My Life?
instead of the hassle of goin out on a fine dining date then movies kinda date, why not spend time together fixing up a jigsaw together? then u can chat without being so self concious about urslf, its romantic? lol..hahaha..becareful with the puzzle when ur making out! dun want jigsaw marks on ur back..! lol..

4. Our Songs
burn a CD of your favourite songs then customize the cover and all..simple?

hmm..anyway..if the gurl really likes you, she'll love anything or everything that you do, so dun fret about it ya? the best tip that i could give anyone, guys or even gurls..just do the things that you like with each other even though you felt like its so simple and not special at all..just fuck it will ya? lol..Valentine's day is suppose to be between the two people, not with the rest of the frens around you. so why do you care about what others thinnk about it? so what if sum of ur frens go for typical fine-dining dinner and whatnots? for all i know, i think the guys would be like.."OMG, the bill!" lol..the flowers! the ticket! the chocolates!

enjoy ppl. and for the singles...dun emo alrite? your day will come. =)
in the meanwhile, party on with ur closest frens! =) cheers.

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