last nite, had a fight with mum n sis. then made up.
then went out to kaki corner with wayne, hock ann n eu jin.
end up eating escargots, drinking beer.
then end up in eu jin's hse, open malibu and bacardi. drinking all nite until im tipsy. sent back home, cried till i sleep.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
wedding? what the F?
as i was logging in, i opened msn, and i saw sumthin really funny.
The Best Wedding Proposals of 2008
Compiled by Anja Winikka.
then i was like.."hmm..sumthin to read about"
then there was this, my favourite ones.. *hehe
these are like really cute n original and its simple. like this one..*ahh...~

Story Book Proposal
"He took me out to dinner, and afterward we went to Barnes & Noble. We meandered over to the children's books section to pick up a few Christmas presents, and then he pulled a little red book off the shelf and said, 'Oh look, what's this?' The book was called, Fun with Emily and Jarrod, kind of like a Dick and Jane book, but instead, it was the illustrated story of our relationship. He read it to me, and at the end, the 'Jarrod' in the book had a pressing question to ask the 'Emily'...and he pulled out the ring and proposed! The last page of the book said, 'The beginning...'"

The Right Words
"He took me to a local rose garden to play Scrabble. It was a travel Scrabble board where the letters stick in place, so when I opened the board and saw letters already in place, I thought, I don't think we were in the middle of a game. I took a second look, and saw that he had spelled, "Laura, will you marry me?" When I looked up at him, he was on his knee holding out the ring. We haven't taken the letters off of that board since."
others is like, really..only rich ppl could do it...for example..
Swimming with Dolphins
"On Valentine's Day we found ourselves on a small island just off of Paradise Island swimming with the dolphins. They did the cutest tricks: danced with us, kissed us, and dove to the ocean floor to retrieve 'presents' for us. James' dolphin came up with only a pebble, but my dolphin handed me a big white box, in which was my engagement ring!"
(comments: dolphins..hmm..if u have a rich dude)
Top of the World
"My dad had plans to fly to a business meeting in a helicopter, but things fell through and there was an extra seat, so he invited me to go up with him and my mom for a ride. We flew into the Rockies and were getting close to Fisher Peak when my Dad said, 'Hey Cas, what's that?' And there was Evan on the highest part of the tallest mountain holding a sign that read, 'CAS, WILL YOU MARRY ME?' My mom passed me a gift bag with a ring inside. It usually takes about four hours to get off of the mountain, but Evan was on one knee at our front door an hour later."
(comments: sweat of the world, if u can have that load of money..pfffftttt...>_<)
still got many funny ones..dubbed by msn the worst proposal in 2007 (btw, picked sum, not all..)
Vegas, Baby
"I was eating lunch at my desk two weeks after starting a new job. Joe called me and asked if I'd like to go to Vegas with him that weekend and spend the rest of my life with him. There was no bended knee, no handholding, no eye contact, no kiss...I just said, 'Um, okay,' and he responded, 'Okay, love ya. Bye!.' Click."
(comment: both are stupid)
Showered With Love
"As I was showering, I saw him walk into the bathroom with his laptop in his hands. It was playing a romantic R&B song called 'Let's Chill.' He placed the laptop on the toilet and started dancing. I thought he was nuts and started laughing. He then proceeded to step into the shower with all of his clothes on. I shrieked, 'What are you doing?!' His response, 'Baby, I love you.' I shrieked back to him, 'I love you too, but get outta here. Your clothes are getting wet!' Then he slowly bent down on one knee, took out the ring box, opened it, and asked me to marry him."
(comment: ew!loser.)
Up High and Uneasy
"At the last minute, we decided to climb Snowmass Mountain in one day. It's a 14,092-foot peak and all the guidebooks say that it's a two-day hike. At the top, I plopped down on a giant rock. Travis came over and held my hand. I was so sick from the climb and the altitude, I quickly pulled my hand away and told him I thought I was going to puke. He took my hand back and said, 'Don't throw up, marry me.'"
(comment: ahahaha..this is funny!)
Déja Vu in Paris
"On our first night in Paris, Paul suggested we go to the Eiffel Tower. At the top, he reached into his pocket to dig out the ring, and I blurted out, 'I can't believe Tom Cruise proposed to Katie Holmes up here. It's so ugly!' He didn't propose then. Before we left for the airport to return home, we were sitting in this garden behind Notre Dame. Paul explained he didn't really enjoy the vacation because he was so nervous, and then told me that he had tried to propose on the trip several times. I felt horrible and sat silent for a few moments before he said, 'I can't take it anymore!' and got down on one knee in the middle of the park and proposed."
(comment: this is actually funny and cute, but poor guy..=) at least she knows how much that guy loves her. ahahhaha)
ahahahaha...that was fun..*for me anyway..sigh. marriage..*shudders. boyfrens..*shudders..*hides inside blankets reads manga. =)
The Best Wedding Proposals of 2008
Compiled by Anja Winikka.
then i was like.."hmm..sumthin to read about"
then there was this, my favourite ones.. *hehe
these are like really cute n original and its simple. like this one..*ahh...~

Story Book Proposal
"He took me out to dinner, and afterward we went to Barnes & Noble. We meandered over to the children's books section to pick up a few Christmas presents, and then he pulled a little red book off the shelf and said, 'Oh look, what's this?' The book was called, Fun with Emily and Jarrod, kind of like a Dick and Jane book, but instead, it was the illustrated story of our relationship. He read it to me, and at the end, the 'Jarrod' in the book had a pressing question to ask the 'Emily'...and he pulled out the ring and proposed! The last page of the book said, 'The beginning...'"

The Right Words
"He took me to a local rose garden to play Scrabble. It was a travel Scrabble board where the letters stick in place, so when I opened the board and saw letters already in place, I thought, I don't think we were in the middle of a game. I took a second look, and saw that he had spelled, "Laura, will you marry me?" When I looked up at him, he was on his knee holding out the ring. We haven't taken the letters off of that board since."
others is like, really..only rich ppl could do it...for example..
Swimming with Dolphins
"On Valentine's Day we found ourselves on a small island just off of Paradise Island swimming with the dolphins. They did the cutest tricks: danced with us, kissed us, and dove to the ocean floor to retrieve 'presents' for us. James' dolphin came up with only a pebble, but my dolphin handed me a big white box, in which was my engagement ring!"
(comments: dolphins..hmm..if u have a rich dude)
Top of the World
"My dad had plans to fly to a business meeting in a helicopter, but things fell through and there was an extra seat, so he invited me to go up with him and my mom for a ride. We flew into the Rockies and were getting close to Fisher Peak when my Dad said, 'Hey Cas, what's that?' And there was Evan on the highest part of the tallest mountain holding a sign that read, 'CAS, WILL YOU MARRY ME?' My mom passed me a gift bag with a ring inside. It usually takes about four hours to get off of the mountain, but Evan was on one knee at our front door an hour later."
(comments: sweat of the world, if u can have that load of money..pfffftttt...>_<)
still got many funny ones..dubbed by msn the worst proposal in 2007 (btw, picked sum, not all..)
Vegas, Baby
"I was eating lunch at my desk two weeks after starting a new job. Joe called me and asked if I'd like to go to Vegas with him that weekend and spend the rest of my life with him. There was no bended knee, no handholding, no eye contact, no kiss...I just said, 'Um, okay,' and he responded, 'Okay, love ya. Bye!.' Click."
(comment: both are stupid)
Showered With Love
"As I was showering, I saw him walk into the bathroom with his laptop in his hands. It was playing a romantic R&B song called 'Let's Chill.' He placed the laptop on the toilet and started dancing. I thought he was nuts and started laughing. He then proceeded to step into the shower with all of his clothes on. I shrieked, 'What are you doing?!' His response, 'Baby, I love you.' I shrieked back to him, 'I love you too, but get outta here. Your clothes are getting wet!' Then he slowly bent down on one knee, took out the ring box, opened it, and asked me to marry him."
(comment: ew!loser.)
Up High and Uneasy
"At the last minute, we decided to climb Snowmass Mountain in one day. It's a 14,092-foot peak and all the guidebooks say that it's a two-day hike. At the top, I plopped down on a giant rock. Travis came over and held my hand. I was so sick from the climb and the altitude, I quickly pulled my hand away and told him I thought I was going to puke. He took my hand back and said, 'Don't throw up, marry me.'"
(comment: ahahaha..this is funny!)
Déja Vu in Paris
"On our first night in Paris, Paul suggested we go to the Eiffel Tower. At the top, he reached into his pocket to dig out the ring, and I blurted out, 'I can't believe Tom Cruise proposed to Katie Holmes up here. It's so ugly!' He didn't propose then. Before we left for the airport to return home, we were sitting in this garden behind Notre Dame. Paul explained he didn't really enjoy the vacation because he was so nervous, and then told me that he had tried to propose on the trip several times. I felt horrible and sat silent for a few moments before he said, 'I can't take it anymore!' and got down on one knee in the middle of the park and proposed."
(comment: this is actually funny and cute, but poor guy..=) at least she knows how much that guy loves her. ahahhaha)
ahahahaha...that was fun..*for me anyway..sigh. marriage..*shudders. boyfrens..*shudders..*hides inside blankets reads manga. =)
what i did on Christmas week.
ah..what i did yest.
i was depress, looking for chocos but not enough to satisfy me, so i swtich to foods.
met up with my mum's fren and their kids. (age 13, 11 and 9)
i was nervous on:
what to wear.
(seriously, ahahaha...i want to show a good example on what to wear and how to its so freaking funny for my mum n sis seeing me trying on clothes more than i do on choosing clothes for dates. not like i go for dates anymore..but the end, i end up in a miniskirt, a tank top, belt and flats. hm...the usual why waste time picking, sweat rite? lol..)
what will i say to them:
(my gosh, i suddenly felt im sooo OLD! lol..duno what to talk about with them..the eldest want to watch Gossip girl..i dont know how to tell her that its a super bitchy show in a nice way..and when the lil 9 yearold boy start telling jokes, which is pretty funny! i cant shout, "what the Hell?" it was pretty loads more. when i look at them, they remind me of them..minus the IPOD and changgih handphones..=P they reminded me of me n my sis when we were growing up. we like to read books and all. =) so finally had sumthin in common about. i literally watch the three of them since they're in their mom's belly till what they are now. it was an amazing journey. im imaginning my frens next time having kids..! i cant wait! =)
sigh, i fell so old! in just lil more than two old! fren once joke with
i was depress, looking for chocos but not enough to satisfy me, so i swtich to foods.
met up with my mum's fren and their kids. (age 13, 11 and 9)
i was nervous on:
what to wear.
(seriously, ahahaha...i want to show a good example on what to wear and how to its so freaking funny for my mum n sis seeing me trying on clothes more than i do on choosing clothes for dates. not like i go for dates anymore..but the end, i end up in a miniskirt, a tank top, belt and flats. hm...the usual why waste time picking, sweat rite? lol..)
what will i say to them:
(my gosh, i suddenly felt im sooo OLD! lol..duno what to talk about with them..the eldest want to watch Gossip girl..i dont know how to tell her that its a super bitchy show in a nice way..and when the lil 9 yearold boy start telling jokes, which is pretty funny! i cant shout, "what the Hell?" it was pretty loads more. when i look at them, they remind me of them..minus the IPOD and changgih handphones..=P they reminded me of me n my sis when we were growing up. we like to read books and all. =) so finally had sumthin in common about. i literally watch the three of them since they're in their mom's belly till what they are now. it was an amazing journey. im imaginning my frens next time having kids..! i cant wait! =)
sigh, i fell so old! in just lil more than two old! fren once joke with
Monday, December 22, 2008
life shits and happy stuffs.
many things happened. duno where to start.
there were sad times, hard times & more hard times. din really want to write about it..or just afaird of writing it heere and will offend sum ppl.
i just want to thank God for everything that i 've been through, even if it's a bad or a good one. i believe there's always a reason behind it.
im glad that i have frens that is always been there for me. Jesus, thank you for your endless support. and not to mention the 'angels' that he had sent for me. My parents, even they do not know what ive been through, since i dun want to burden them with my probs, i thank god for them by providing me things. Shi Wei, ur patience is 'limitless'..LOL..and im sorry for being an bitch and u choose to stick with me. *hugs hope to see you soon. Jakukurino..ahaha.. i wish you forever happiness with jon. Siew kwan, you ar! lol..*hugs action speaks louder than words. Mr Faith, ur singing annoys me but cheers me up everytime. ahahaha.. and others that stuck with me during this sem. and ainaa & danial. you guys helped me alot too! thanks for the dinner.. it was awesome..thanks. =)
hope to see everyone again on jan 8th!
stupid exam. damn stress now but not touching anybooks now..its goin to be christmas..! gimme a break =P
over and out.
there were sad times, hard times & more hard times. din really want to write about it..or just afaird of writing it heere and will offend sum ppl.
i just want to thank God for everything that i 've been through, even if it's a bad or a good one. i believe there's always a reason behind it.
im glad that i have frens that is always been there for me. Jesus, thank you for your endless support. and not to mention the 'angels' that he had sent for me. My parents, even they do not know what ive been through, since i dun want to burden them with my probs, i thank god for them by providing me things. Shi Wei, ur patience is 'limitless'..LOL..and im sorry for being an bitch and u choose to stick with me. *hugs hope to see you soon. Jakukurino..ahaha.. i wish you forever happiness with jon. Siew kwan, you ar! lol..*hugs action speaks louder than words. Mr Faith, ur singing annoys me but cheers me up everytime. ahahaha.. and others that stuck with me during this sem. and ainaa & danial. you guys helped me alot too! thanks for the dinner.. it was awesome..thanks. =)
hope to see everyone again on jan 8th!
stupid exam. damn stress now but not touching anybooks now..its goin to be christmas..! gimme a break =P
over and out.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
the legend of candy cane

The Legend of Candy cane
Look at the candy cane- what do you see?
stripes that are red like the blood Jesus has shed for me and you.
white is for my saviour who's sinless and pure.
"J" is for Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, that's for sure.
Turn it around and a staff you shall see,
Jesus, my Shepherd was born for Me and YOU.
ah...all i want to do is drink cold milk and eat choco chip cookies... *smiling..and listening to my favourite christmas of them would be.."have yourself, a merry lil christmas~...
alrite! back to work! econs and CIB presentation coming up! >_<
Friday, December 5, 2008
today is Wai Ai Lyn and CK's Bday..!
opps...past 12 it was yest.. =)
all the best in their future undertakings...!!
ahem...back to me. What A CRAZY day...not to mention a very tiring one.. =P
it all started on thursday 3rd Dec 08.
getting ready to do props for CF upcoming event..Christmas Event..but no one turn up for that day. ( kinda expected) waiting for other ppl to transport things to the great hall balcony. so waited at the balcony listening to the songs that i have in my handphone. so many songs reminded me of so many things, esp all the memories of NAtional Service all came back to me since the place (nottingham) kinda reminded me of
then God always provide. never fails. brought in people to help the props team to finish what that needs to be done. =) it even brought sum of us closer together as frens and im really thankful for their help..
we've finish the task until 1 and we went for mamak then TTS5 guys also came and join was funny..12 ppl with diff personalities all sitting always amaze me that ppl can be so different..
went back uni, packed up and went to the then let the games begin..!! unfortunately, the connection were not good, so in the end we kinda end up splitting the group and were force to play with AIs instead of ripping each oher throats in DOTA. happy coz i've found sum gurls other than Shi wei and Alice to play with so in the future, maybe the three of us and a couple more could form a team to enter sum competition! LOL...with lots of training and experience of course...LOL..
anyways, after an exausting game (learning to use Lina Inverse after learning to play Lich King) i was so tired i bunked into wei mein's bed. while sleeping , i still could hear Wei Mein and Bolwin's voice, which is very very loud..! lol..i think about and hour or so..they woke me up and asking me to dress for climbing Broga Hill. All of us did not sleep but decide to climb broga hill. excellent! lol..
the 8 idiots (me n the 7 guys) head out at around 5.30 am..with me and James driving. In my car, we blasted The Calling coz Faith tot it was the best substitute for Great Escape by Boys like Gurls. LOL...we trekked in and after i think about 40 minutes, we've reached the top. =)
the view was excellent. and we were in time to see the sun rise, then Frodo and Smeagel went up even higher while the rest of us were resting at our stop. we did crazy things, sing songs, shouted, running around, lol...what do you expect? 7 guys. supposingly this was a boy to men kinda activity, and im still wondering why im there. i have no good reason to be, me not guy, no2, got but i had fun admiring the scenery and the breeze. thus, because of 7 guys and a gurl. i was nicknamed Mabel and the 7 guys. lol..lame. after Frodo and Smeagel gayed, one of them fell and hurt we climbed back dwn, showered, packed and head to a destinaiton for lunch. end up in metropoint KFC. Ck's bday so we planned to eat then bring him to Baskin ordered two pints of ice-cream of his own choice of flavors; then let the fun
each of us took turn to feed him with ice cream while he was blind reminds me..( gary! Cj, James, i want the pics for today and all...=))
i had fun but there's things bugging me.
a msg for a fren,
dun get mad at me. im sorry. i still do not know how ive hurt you. please tell if u have a chance too.
that's my day. it was a gd morning. a blessed one.
opps...past 12 it was yest.. =)
all the best in their future undertakings...!!
ahem...back to me. What A CRAZY day...not to mention a very tiring one.. =P
it all started on thursday 3rd Dec 08.
getting ready to do props for CF upcoming event..Christmas Event..but no one turn up for that day. ( kinda expected) waiting for other ppl to transport things to the great hall balcony. so waited at the balcony listening to the songs that i have in my handphone. so many songs reminded me of so many things, esp all the memories of NAtional Service all came back to me since the place (nottingham) kinda reminded me of
then God always provide. never fails. brought in people to help the props team to finish what that needs to be done. =) it even brought sum of us closer together as frens and im really thankful for their help..
we've finish the task until 1 and we went for mamak then TTS5 guys also came and join was funny..12 ppl with diff personalities all sitting always amaze me that ppl can be so different..
went back uni, packed up and went to the then let the games begin..!! unfortunately, the connection were not good, so in the end we kinda end up splitting the group and were force to play with AIs instead of ripping each oher throats in DOTA. happy coz i've found sum gurls other than Shi wei and Alice to play with so in the future, maybe the three of us and a couple more could form a team to enter sum competition! LOL...with lots of training and experience of course...LOL..
anyways, after an exausting game (learning to use Lina Inverse after learning to play Lich King) i was so tired i bunked into wei mein's bed. while sleeping , i still could hear Wei Mein and Bolwin's voice, which is very very loud..! lol..i think about and hour or so..they woke me up and asking me to dress for climbing Broga Hill. All of us did not sleep but decide to climb broga hill. excellent! lol..
the 8 idiots (me n the 7 guys) head out at around 5.30 am..with me and James driving. In my car, we blasted The Calling coz Faith tot it was the best substitute for Great Escape by Boys like Gurls. LOL...we trekked in and after i think about 40 minutes, we've reached the top. =)
the view was excellent. and we were in time to see the sun rise, then Frodo and Smeagel went up even higher while the rest of us were resting at our stop. we did crazy things, sing songs, shouted, running around, lol...what do you expect? 7 guys. supposingly this was a boy to men kinda activity, and im still wondering why im there. i have no good reason to be, me not guy, no2, got but i had fun admiring the scenery and the breeze. thus, because of 7 guys and a gurl. i was nicknamed Mabel and the 7 guys. lol..lame. after Frodo and Smeagel gayed, one of them fell and hurt we climbed back dwn, showered, packed and head to a destinaiton for lunch. end up in metropoint KFC. Ck's bday so we planned to eat then bring him to Baskin ordered two pints of ice-cream of his own choice of flavors; then let the fun
each of us took turn to feed him with ice cream while he was blind reminds me..( gary! Cj, James, i want the pics for today and all...=))
i had fun but there's things bugging me.
a msg for a fren,
dun get mad at me. im sorry. i still do not know how ive hurt you. please tell if u have a chance too.
that's my day. it was a gd morning. a blessed one.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
it was 4.47pm..stressing on my four the library, sitting alone to concentrate...
then..i swtich on my iTunes and listen to songs...found 'estranged-itu kamu' and played it full blast! my earphone of course..then i start mouthing the words, following the drum the library...i was enjoying the moment..then suddenly...i opened my eyes then i saw 6 guys surrounded my table, and the word i shouted was..."WAT THE HELL?" then the group laughed..and the ppl in the library ''shHHhh...-ed me..'' lol....
so funny...alot of engineering ppl stress coz at 6 pm today they're gona have their 1st test this
then..i swtich on my iTunes and listen to songs...found 'estranged-itu kamu' and played it full blast! my earphone of course..then i start mouthing the words, following the drum the library...i was enjoying the moment..then suddenly...i opened my eyes then i saw 6 guys surrounded my table, and the word i shouted was..."WAT THE HELL?" then the group laughed..and the ppl in the library ''shHHhh...-ed me..'' lol....
so funny...alot of engineering ppl stress coz at 6 pm today they're gona have their 1st test this
Monday, December 1, 2008
so many assignments, social commitments, events...ahhh..
although assignments are nearing their deadlines...event when props team are having problems..even i have to attend burfday parties and meetings..
God, thank you for:
always being with me.. =)
-despite the storms in my life, however big or small..he is always there with me through words. the power of the word and worship.
sending angles to teman me eveywhere i go..
-sumthin awful had happened in my uni...4 of my uni ppl got attacked by ppl with machetes. one died in ICU. accident, appt the story was like this, the guys where in the wrong place at the wrong time. and it happened in broad DAYLIGHT. 12 o'clock...sigh, anything could happened in anywhere. despite me driving around uni and semenyih at 3am-4am ish...nothing happened and i thank God for this.
sending great frens to cheer and de-stress me..the pick me up when im down.
-great supporter and frens..if i could name everyone, i would, but i couldnt coz there's so many ppl..all i could say is..i love each and everyone of them.
although assignments are nearing their deadlines...event when props team are having problems..even i have to attend burfday parties and meetings..
God, thank you for:
always being with me.. =)
-despite the storms in my life, however big or small..he is always there with me through words. the power of the word and worship.
sending angles to teman me eveywhere i go..
-sumthin awful had happened in my uni...4 of my uni ppl got attacked by ppl with machetes. one died in ICU. accident, appt the story was like this, the guys where in the wrong place at the wrong time. and it happened in broad DAYLIGHT. 12 o'clock...sigh, anything could happened in anywhere. despite me driving around uni and semenyih at 3am-4am ish...nothing happened and i thank God for this.
sending great frens to cheer and de-stress me..the pick me up when im down.
-great supporter and frens..if i could name everyone, i would, but i couldnt coz there's so many ppl..all i could say is..i love each and everyone of them.
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