Friday, January 2, 2009

My 2009 resolution.

1. Learn to Love myslf. ( yea..for my fren's endless nagging asking me to love myslf. u know hu u are)
2. Dont Fucked up ppl's life. ( yea, ive done enuf.)
3. Dun be a Fucking asshole. ( opps..i think i already broken my 1st & 7th resolution)
4. Get back with God. ( thank God that He's a merciful God.)
5. Start Fasting again.( no. its not because i've gained weight.)
6. Get my Artistic Streak back. ( it'll happen soon enuf, since its always triggered by emotions.)
7. Stop Swearing so Much. ( not completely.)
8. Determine what i really want in my life.
9. Get and Maintain a 65 average in my studies.
10. Learn to be abit positive. ( the glass is..err...half--emmmm...ok..half full)

ok. now the hardest part is to keep at least one of it throughout the whole year.

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