Saturday, December 15, 2007

hmm..guys with these. im attracted to them.

guys with these things listed darn attracted to them...
(im single...i can say what i want, cant I?)

*guys..dont take this to seriously..if u think that u MAY have these qualities..dont SELF 'Perasan' that im at your ASS? maybe once or twice...but im not a pervert. alrite?

ahahah..u may have them, but its just not what im only looking at alrite?

haha...this would be interesting.

i'm attracted to guys with...


1. decent looking face? ( a face that would NOT scared the hell outha my parents please)
2. great shoulders.(mmmM..)
3. great ass.( ahahaha...*)
4. i like eyes like this...only when they smile please..--> ~_~ ( sooo cute!!* gushing)
5. i like guy's fingers..palm..hand..i have no specific kinda wants in this part of the body.

* dont even ask me bout other parts of the body please. i dont want to sound like im super horny or wad..*lols..


1. sound not attracted to NUTheads..or Dickheads.
2. at least have some brains abit?
3. i love debating on most random stuffs like...from religion and philosophy..and some weird general knowledge.


1. stable.
2. able to take sarcastic jokes from me. (hmm..LORD, when will i have a guy who has this GIFT?)


1. good to parents..respect them!
2. a guy who can hear me out with patience.
3. truthful ( i noe truth hurts, if that guy told me sumthin that hurts me, wont talk to him for awhile...dont mean that i completely tuned out on him alrite? i like to think..ponder n sumtimes avoid an argument..let myslf cool dwn for abit)
4. nice to everybody please...not only to me like some typical guys who only treat good to the ones that they wanna 'kau'
5. thoughful( really hard to get)
6. mature ( knows when to have fun.. and time to have serious talks)
(knows how to manage himslf properly)
7. OBSERVANT!!! that the spelling?hmm...minor case of dylexic..sorry
8. hardworking..he's not smart..?its long as he's not afraid to work.

ONE more VERY important stuff...

LOVE God with all his strength, heart, mind, and soul. Never be to sissy to admit that he loves Jesus. NO NATOS..(No Action, Talk Only) SHOW it by serving in church!

*btw, this is wad most attracts me.. he MUST be a servant of GOd.

sigh...there you are...all the list that ive
hope the guys wont be so perasan thought that he has everything and he stop talking to be CAUSE he thinks that im actually Hinting to him that im Eye-ing him...Aww~

but guess wad... NOT!

coz...things can change..things like this CAN be compromise. its just a rough guidelines that i have. some are just for laughs...for the physical

BUT one thing i cant that he MUST be a servant of GOD.

amen to that.

im off..!

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